Adaptation française: Alain Coron
26 juin 2004
Se demander si tel ou tel logiciel est capable de faire du café est une question classique entendue maintes et maintes fois. Le café est la deuxième marchandise par son importante juste derrière le pétrole. Linux FAIT fait du café, et du bon !
Table des matières
Depuis longtemps, on se demande comment un ordinateur peut faire du café... Beaucoup se réveillent avec du café et doivent rester éveillé pendant longtemps devant l'ordinateur. Chacun sait que coder est plus efficace la nuit...
La principale difficulté est de commander la cafetière grâce à l'ordnateur à l'aide d'un logiciel. En général, cela signifie commander un interrupteur marche-arrêt prenant la forme d'un circuit électronique contrôlant l'alimentaion de la machine à café.
Ce guide est devenu un projet libre consultable sur
Ce café le plus populaire parmi les programmeurs car il nécesite peu d'attention; comme les logiciels propriétaires. Son goût très excitant a inspiré des milliers de programmeurs lors de l'écriture des logiciels les plus surprenants, écrits dans les premières heures du jour. Windows, par exemple, a été écrit à 5h00. Grâce au café, le résultat est garanti.
Le Nescafé est assez fort, obtenu en versant de l'eau chaude sur un mélange de café, sucre et eau. Habituellement vous prenez 1 cuillère de café, 1 de sucre et mélanger avec un peu d'eau. Dans le même temps, mettez de l'eau à bouillir. Dès que l'eau est suffisamment chaude, vous mélangez le tout et ajoutez du lait selon votre goût.
Une variante populaire des cafés déjà mentionnés. En rélaité il ne nécessite pas de cafetière, mais d'un réfrigérateur pour l'eau froide et les glaçons.
Espresso is a very strong, italian sort of coffee. You serve it in small cups (You ask why? See chapter: Overdose Symptomes) with on or to pieces of lump sugar. To produce a good espresso you need fresh grinded coffee beans, water, lump sugar and a special machine. These machines boil the water and press the very hot steam through the grinded coffee beans. You can buy a super-duper-automatic machine for a lot of money. But a low cost machine is useable, too.
OK, lets start. Fill water in your machine. Let it become hot. In the meantime fill about 1 teespoon of coffeepowder in the filterhandle of your machine. Press the coffeepowder down. Not too much. Now the water is at the right temperature. Attach the filterhandle to the machine and let the machine work. After about 30 seconds you can serve a delicate, hot espresso. It is fine after a good meal. You feel good and can code for a few more hours.
L'expresso est très fort, ressemblant au café italien. Il est servi dans une petite tasse (Vous demandez pourquoi ? Lisez le paragraphe : Symptômes d'overdose) avec un ou deux sucre en morceaux. Pour obtenir un bon expresso, vous avez besoin de café fraichement moulu. du sucre en morceaux et une machine spéciale. Ces machines produise de la vapeur qui ensuite traverse le café moulu. Vous pouvez acheter une super-duper-automatic machine
(See also chapter: Espresso) If you have a more profi-like machine, you can use it, to froth milk with it. You need this feature to make a creamy sort of coffee. It is easy to prepare. Put some frothed milk in a coffee pot and fill it up with espresso. Then decorade with some chokolade flakes. That's it.
A general diagram is like this:
--------- 0-5V --------- ~220V ---------------- | PC |===>===|Circuit|========|Coffee-Machine| --------- --------- ---------------- |
The concept is that we take a controling voltage from the computer, which drives an electrically isolated circuit with a Relay or Triac.
You must choose a Relay circuit, if you have a coffee-machine greater than 200W. You can use a triac-based one if your coffee machine isn't high power.
All circuits presented are tested, but the results are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If you have no experience with electronics you should NOT try these, otherwise you may get a bad one...
You should be very careful while experimenting with 220V, and using an appropriate fuse is advisable.
Here is a simple example to get a voltage 0-5V from the parallel port of the computer.
Back View ----- Pin 10 - ACK Male DB-25 | | Pin 9 - D7 Connector | | Pin 2 - D0 v v v Pin 1 - ~Strobe ____________________________________________________________ / \ \ 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 / \ / \ 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 / \______________________________________________________/ |
Pin 1 is Strobe (inverse logic)
Pins 2-9 is DATA BUS's signals, exactly what was written to the parallel port's latches with an OUTB command.
Pin 10 is the acknowledge signal (ACK), controlled by you, so that you can produce an interrupt to the CPU.
Pins 18-25 are short-circuited and this is the ground (GND).
In detail:
<= in DB25 Cent Name of Reg => out pin pin Signal Bit Function Notes ------ ---- ---- -------- --- ----------------------------- => 1 1 -Strobe C0- Set Low pulse >0.5 us to send => 2 2 Data 0 D0 Set to least significant data => 3 3 Data 1 D1 ... => 4 4 Data 2 D2 ... => 5 5 Data 3 D3 ... => 6 6 Data 4 D4 ... => 7 7 Data 5 D5 ... => 8 8 Data 6 D6 ... => 9 9 Data 7 D7 Set to most significant data <= 10 10 -Ack S6+ IRQ Low Pulse ~ 5 uS, after accept <= 11 11 +Busy S7- High for Busy/Offline/Error <= 12 12 +PaperEnd S5+ High for out of paper <= 13 13 +SelectIn S4+ High for printer selected => 14 14 -AutoFd C1- Set Low to autofeed one line <= 15 32 -Error S3+ Low for Error/Offline/PaperEnd => 16 31 -Init C2+ Set Low pulse > 50uS to init => 17 36 -Select C3- Set Low to select printer == 18-25 19-30, Ground |
The simplest circuit that one can build is:
Vcc | +------+ | __|__ Relay /^\ Diode 1N4002 Coil /---\ | | +------+ | | / 4.7K B |/ C parallel port >-\/\/\/\/---| NPN Transistor: BC547A or 2N2222A data pi |\ E | V | parallel port >--------------+ ground pin | Ground |
Barmen, tend to put the relay AFTER the transistor, at the emitter (E) pin instead of the collector (C) pin. This is bad practice because it biases the transistor badly, and may result in bad coffee :-). Diode 1N4002 is useful to protect the transistor from the relay's currents. If you don't use it the transistor will become dark and smelly...
If you only want a simple circuit, you can use Motorola's triac driver MOC301[012], together with a general purpose TRIAC like SC141D. This method has the advantage that you don't need an extra power supply.
For non-inductive loads, this is the circuitry:
270 1 +-------+ 6 180 +5v -VAVAVA-----+ +----VAVAVA-----+-------------- Line Hot 2 | MOC | | TTL in ---------+ 3012 +nc VA SC141D | | 4 / | nc+ +------------/ | +-------+ +----\/\/\/---- Line Neutral LOAD |
If you are going to work with 220V, try to obtain a 3021. Inductive loads should be used in conjuction with bypass capacitors, see Motorola Application Note AN-780. Coffee-machines are mainly resistive loads and not inductive (like a motor), but who knows what yours is!
+5VDC | 180 180 2.2k +---/\/\/\----+-----+ +----/\/\/-+--/\/\/\---+-------> 120V | 1| |6 | | Hot | +=====+ | | MT1 | | MC | TRIAC | +-+ | | 3032| Driver | G | | TRIAC | +=====+ | /| | \ 2| |4 | / +-+ 2N3904 |----+ | | | | MT2 / | +--------- | -------+ | V \ | | | | / | \ | | \ 43 .01u --- 10k / | | / 500V --- \ | | | | / | +------+ | | | Neutral | +--------+--+---o o--> 120V / load >-/\/\--| 2N3904 \ V | --- /// You should change resistors accordingly for 220V. |
Circuit description:
The MC3032 is an optoisolator TRIAC driver. The 180-ohm resistor sets the current for the LED emitter in the optoisolator. Change the value of this resistor - if necessary - to get a reasonable current (e.g., 15 mA).
Note that you cannot test this circuit without a load. The TRIAC will not switch unless connected to an AC voltage source, so you can't test it for simple switching without applying AC and a load. Note the 500V rating on the .01 cap.
You will have to build an executable that will work like this:
Get permission to use I/O address space, by calling kernel, with the command ioperm: eg ioperm( BASE, range ,1);
Perform an out request instruction, to set the 0-5V voltage to the parallel port, eg outb( 1, BASE );
Wait enough time so the coffee is made. It would be nice if that time is read by looking at the command line.
Then it will turn off the coffee-machine: outb( 0 , BASE );
Before ending it should give back the parallel port with a ioperm( BASE, range, 0);
Change BASE = 0x3bc for /dev/lp0, 0x378 for /dev/lp1, and 0x278 for /dev/lp2, range=8.
It would be useful if you had that program setuid, so that everybody can drink coffee!
Just read kernel hacker's guide, implement a device driver (it could even be user space I think). Please compile it as a module, so that we won't need a kernel compile in every update. Then write:
echo cappuccino >/dev/coffee |
And you will have a hot cup of coffee in minutes! Remember to give the right permission to /dev/coffee, depending on whether you want only root making coffee or not.
The advantage of this method is that it supports feedback from the coffee-machine by using the ACK of parallel port, so that smart coffee-machines could produce an interrupt.
Do it as homework.
tachycardia or cardiac arhythmia
Hypersensibility to light
Annoyance in respect with various audio stimuli
gastrointestinal disturbance
These are our ideas:
All hardware and software described here, can be expanded so that it will support toast, beaf, applepies, etc.
Cluster with 8 coffee-machines. This will let you have coffee even when the first one gets off. Of course there will be a perfomance hit.
Parallel vector coffee-machine will be a future release.
If you want the maximum automation you'll need more circuits and sensors, so that you can control water flow, temperature, coffee quantity etc.
In the near future we will implement SNMP features.
Serial coffee-machine at 115Kbps. This is most known Internet's Coffee-FAQ Caffeine and effects of on the Nervous System A pretty comprehensive, if informal, history of humans' interaction with the coffee plant. People have been chewing coffee berries in Africa for 100,000 years or so. Coffee was definitely growing in Yemen, where it is not native (so must have been planted), in 525 AD. RFC2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) RFC2325: Definitions of Managed Objects for Drip-Type Heated Beverage Hardware Devices using SMIv2 Programming of I/O ports under popular operating system Linux. A lot of circuits in ASCII. Some of them are for parallel port. Whatever you wanted to learn about a parallel port and didn't dare to ask. How to write your own device drivers. Come on, go ahead! Tomi Engdahl's web page is a *must see* for everyone who enjoys electronics. Devices_Connected_to_the_Internet/Coffee_Machines/ Coffee-machines on-line. Unfortunatelly, there are no tests. This coffee-machine offers only cappuccino. It has to be upgraded. Hot coffee from Netherlands.
This document was initially written as part of a small debate in the linux-greek-users list , whether linux can make coffee or not. It has been an article in our beautiful online magazine about Linux called magaz. Remember, that magaz is greek it will look like that to you.
My name is Fotis Georgatos and I have also been in the past busy with the greek documentation and wwwpages maintainance. I welcome submissions to this HOWTO, as long as you're not anxious about the changes.
I'm Annie Pinder and a coffee fan. I live in England. I made the language changes on this document. I'm currently in the English equivalent of High School, in my final compulsory year.
The casual copyright with everything you get with linux... To find it, you'll have to read all of HOWTOs and average out the most common. Otherwise, no, you cannot copy it.
Ethiopia: Identified as the originating country of coffee. As many people corrected, coffee did not originally come from America nor was brought by Christofer Colombus. It was popular in the Middle East long before America was discovered. Still, we can remember Cristobal Colon, as the person who brought tobacco and chocolate in Europe.
Kostas Lialiambis is the one who dared saying that he can't make coffee with his Linux box.
Panagiotis Vrionis, Yannakopoulos Haralambos, for giving me interesting and humorous notes.
NUMEROUS people on the internet with additions and remarks.